Thank you for choosing The Dental Care Center for your family’s oral healthcare needs. We appreciate the opportunity to provide exceptional service for strong, beautiful smiles.
We’ll reserve an hour and a half for your new patient exam. Please bring your completed new patient forms with you. When you arrive, you’ll be warmly greeted and escorted to a customized treatment room. We’ll discuss the reason for your visit, then review your medical history and current oral health. Your dentist will check your teeth for decay and examine your gums for signs of periodontal disease. A set of digital X-rays will provide a comprehensive view of your teeth and supporting structures so that we can make accurate diagnoses.
An oral cancer screening is a crucial part of your examination. Oral cancer is a stealthy, painless disease that claims the lives of 7,500 Americans each year and often goes undetected until it has spread to the neck or lymph nodes. Early detection greatly increases survival chances, so we’ll screen you for oral cancer with our state-of-the art ViziLite, which uses a special mouth rinse and light to reveal suspicious lesions that require follow-up.
After your exam, we’ll present a treatment plan to address your needs and explain options for care. Short CAESY Patient Education videos provide additional information about suggested therapies.
We’ll make you smile. Contact The Dental Care Center location nearest you today!