A lot of the anxiety people experience while at the dentist stems from the unknown. People don’t know what to expect when they go in for an appointment. Here is everything you can expect from a routine checkup/cleaning: Step 1: Oral Examination: The dental hygienist will start by simply checking your teeth. Most of the … Continue reading What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning
You’ve made the decision to take care of your dental health and spring for dentures. Great! Replacing teeth with dentures can improve your smile, chewing, speech, and self confidence. All dentures are removable replacements for teeth, but did you know there are different types of dentures available?
You shouldn’t be alarmed if you have a dry mouth from time to time. It happens to everyone. If you are experiencing a dry mouth that doesn’t go away, then you may have a problem and need to consult with your dentist.
Millions of people have smiles that don’t make them feel happy. In turn, they smile a lot less or cover their mouths with their hands when they smile. But a confident smile has plenty of benefits!
The purpose of the procedure is to reshape the gum line for a more uniformed look. This creates a visual increase in length or width of the tooth and results in a more appealing smile. This is cosmetic, but you may also need the procedure for health-related reasons.
There are many different reasons why your teeth become yellow over time. Obvious reasons include not brushing enough or not seeing your dentist twice a year for deep cleaning, but some yellowing can be hereditary. Enamel can be translucent, especially if you were born with thin enamel. This allows the yellowish color of your dentin … Continue reading 6 Natural Ways to Brighten Your Teeth
Shockingly, 91% of adults aged between 20 and 64 have experienced some level of tooth decay and have needed a cavity filled. So it is not only children that need to (re)learn how to take care of their oral health. Do you fall into this majority?
Are you having trouble getting your kids to practice proper oral hygiene? You are not alone. Here are some fun and creative tips you can use to help teach your children the importance of good oral care and make brushing fun.
Busy people don’t always have time to brush while out and about. In general, we tend to eat and drink more than just three times a day. Here five easy ways you can keep your teeth clean and breath fresh while you’re out on the go.
That toothache you’ve been fighting may have deeper roots than you think. Chronic tooth pain can be a symptom of needing either a filling or a root canal. It’s important to contact your dentist right away if you’re experiencing pain, so they can diagnose the issue. They may be able to tell just by looking, … Continue reading Root Canals vs. Fillings
Obviously, sugar isn’t that great for you and eating too much of it can lead to tooth decay. But it makes everything taste so good! *Sigh* If you enjoy a nice dessert after dinner, try one of our five favorite low-sugar recipes.
Dentures can benefit your health and appearance, but people often fear dentures because of some common misconceptions. They will improve your ability to eat and speak, and protect any remaining natural teeth. Let’s put those false rumors about “falsies” to bed because dentures are a great option.
As soon as sugar hits your taste buds, your brain releases dopamine. This explains why we feel so good when indulging in our favorite treat. But, be careful. Unless you want to travel down a road of health problems with your body and mouth, go light on your consumption of sugar. It’s the leading cause of tooth decay for children and adults.
Have you ever wondered about the person cleaning your teeth? National Dental Hygienist Week is April 2-9, so we thought we’d highlight these amazing members of our team. If that’s a job that you think you’d find interesting, find out how you can make a difference.
Let’s face it: We all have more than a couple questions whenever we go to the dentist, however most of the time you wouldn’t be caught dead asking them aloud. So, we answered the questions you’ve been dying to know but have never asked. Is gum bad for you? Can they tell I haven’t flossed? How long does anesthetic take to actually wear off? These questions and more have finally been answered.
Tooth sensitivity occurs when the hard enamel on your teeth has been worn down, exposing canals to your dental nerves. These exposed areas on your teeth can cause pain and may even change your habits of eating, drinking, and breathing. But you don’t have to put up with the pain. Here’s why you may be experiencing tooth sensitivity and some steps you can take to find some relief.
How often do you think about the health of your gums? Most people assume their gums are healthy and don’t think too much of it. However, the health of your gums is one of the most important things to consider when talking about oral health and overall health as well.
Not only does a proper oral hygiene routine help with keeping your mouth clean and free from extra dental work, but there are tons of other amazing benefits.
The Tooth Fairy is known as America’s fairy. She was introduced to the world in 1927, in a book called “The Tooth Fairy,” by Esther Watkins Arnold. We often imagine the Tooth Fairy looking like something out of a Disney movie, but her intentions and origin are unknown to most.
Want to skip this holiday? We don’t blame you, but there is no need. National Toothache Day is about spreading awareness and educating people on the importance of dental health and the prevention of toothaches.